Dec 24, 1491
St Ignatius was born
On the 24th of decemeber, 1491 St Ignatius was born in Azpeita Basque in Northern Spain. -
May 5, 1492
St Ignatius was baptised
St Ignatius was baptised, his baptismal name was Inigo Lopez de Recalde -
Jan 1, 1507
St Ignatius family life, and being sent away
St Ignatius’s father and his mother were of ancient and illustrious lineage, st Ignatius came from a Noble family with 13 siblings, 8 boys, 5 girls in addition had royal blood from his Ancestors.At the age of sixteen years he was sent to serve as a page to Juan Velazquez, the treasurer of the kingdom of Castile. -
Period: Jan 1, 1517 to Jul 31, 1555
Work acheivements (age 16--till death
St Ignatius was the Founder of the Jesuit order therefore he was part of the counter reformation of the catholic church ,In 1517 Ignatius became a knight, who employed him in military undertakings and on a diplomatic mission.St Ignatius was one of King Ferdinand's provincial governors.Diploma of studying Latin grammar, literature, Philosophy and theology -
May 20, 1521
Controversie# 1, hit by a cannonball
While defending the citadel of Pamplona against the French, Ignatius was hit by a cannonball on May 20, 1521, -
Mar 25, 1522
controversie #3 virgin Mary
St I gnatius had a vision OF virgin Mary at the and baby Jesus at the our lady montserrat,therefore this got him thinking what and how to go about his faith -
Mar 1, 1523
controversie #2 Argumenst with early muslims
St ignatius had arguments about his faith and had to battle them,though he won and therefore this made him stronger in faith -
Period: Jan 1, 1526 to Jan 1, 1535
The study OF St Ignatius
Ignatius studied at Barcelona for nearly two years.In 1526 he transferred to Alcala.By this time he had acquired followers, but was forbidden to teach . He arrived in Paris on Feb. 2, 1528,and remained there as a student until 1535 styding the diploma of studying Latin grammar, literature, Philosophy and theology .On Aug. 15, 1534, he led the little band to nearby Montmartre, where they bound themselves by vows of poverty,chastity,and obedience called the Jesuits. -
Period: Sep 27, 1530 to Jul 31, 1555
REFORMATION #paragraph one
It all started in Paris when six young men started the Jesuit order according to the spiritual exercises of vows, chastity and pilgrimage .On September 27, 1540 pope Paul 3 approved the first outlines of the Jesuits organization. The society grew rapidly and people quickly assumed this role is a prominent role in the counter-reformation. From the beginning education of Christ became number one as well as ordinary education plus scholarship was the principal of all their works. -
Period: Sep 27, 1530 to Jul 31, 1555
REFORMATION # paragraph 3
Initial goal of the company had been to seek passage to the Holy Land to minister to Christians and convert the Muslim inhabitants. Ignatius and his companions went to Rome where they put themselves at the service of Pope Paul III. The pope approved the order in 1540; they took care of all the people that needed to be taken care of. St Ignatius entered the mission field and within months of it’s founding of the Jesuits of all missionary works and to save education. -
Period: Jan 1, 1535 to
REFORMATION #paragraph 4
. Around 1535 about 1,000 Jesuits were already working throughout Europe and in Asia, Africa, and the New World. By 1626 the number of Jesuits was 15,544; and in 1749 the total was 22,589.The demand that the Jesuits take up their former work, especially in the field of education and in the missions, became so insistent that in 1814 Pope Pius VII re-established the society. -
Dec 25, 1538
First mass emotion
In 1538 St I gnatius had his first mass and cried spiritual -
Period: Jan 1, 1540 to Jul 31, 1555
REFORMATION #paragraph 2
The Jesuits were oblivious to the problems Christianity was facing from the Lutherans therefore this is what they fought. In 1539 to present to Paul III, the theme of educating the youth is quite prominent. To sum up the Jesuits mission was to fight of the Lutherans to save the faith of Christianity and to educate the un-educated about Christianity in addition all the children. -
Jul 31, 1555
St Ignatius died
St Ignatius new god was going to take his life a way through his spirituality, thus he died on the 31st July, 1555,malaria roman fever is what st ignatius died from. -
St Ignatius was Canonized
St ignatius was canonized 1622 and became a saint