Ignatiusloyola portrait

St. Ignatius of Loyola

By E6X
  • Period: Jan 1, 1489 to Jan 1, 1560

    Years in and around the life of St. Ignatius.

  • Jan 1, 1490

    Magdalen College in Oxford begins construction.

    Magdalen College in Oxford begins construction.
  • Jan 1, 1491

    St. Ignatius is born.

    St. Ignatius is born.
    Ignatius is born in the Basque region of Spain inside of the family's castle. He was the youngest of thirteen children. Although he was baptized with the name Íñigo, his name mistakenly appeared as Ignatius on an important document, and decides to keep the name Ignatius because of St. Ignatius of Antioch, whom he admired.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers America.

    Christopher Columbus discovers America.
  • May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus dies at the age of 54.

    Christopher Columbus dies at the age of 54.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    Ignatius joins the army.

    Ignatius joins the army.
    Ignatius joins the army under Antonio Manrique De Lara. Ignatius' excellent leadership skills make him a vital piece of the army. Ignatius is never injured in battle up unil a cannon ball shatteres his leg in the Battle of Pamplona.
  • Sep 18, 1519

    Hernán Cortés leads the Spanish in conquering the Aztecs.

    Hernán Cortés leads the Spanish in conquering the Aztecs.
  • Apr 27, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan sails from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

    Ferdinand Magellan sails from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
  • May 20, 1521

    St. ignatius is struck by a cannon ball.

    St. ignatius is struck by a cannon ball.
    In the midst of defending a tower from the Fench at the Battle of Pampalona, Ignatius is hit by a cannon ball, wounding one of his legs and breaking the other. He has to undergo various operations to repair his leg, one of which is performed by the French, and others by the Spanish. Almost all of his surgical operations were unsuccesfull, giving him a limp for the rest of his life. This all happened before anaesthetics were created, making the grusome surguries extremely painfull.
  • Dec 9, 1531

    Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to Juan Diego.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to Juan Diego.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    The Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel is started by Michelangelo.

    The Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel is started by Michelangelo.
  • Sep 27, 1540

    Society of Jesus is Established

    Society of Jesus is Established
    After reading books abouts saints while his leg is healing, Ignatius becomes strongly devoted to God. The once wealthy, army general, sells all he has and begins a life of poverty. Under Pope Paul III, the Society of Jesus officialy becomes established, and Ignatius is the main creator.
  • Jul 31, 1556

    St. Ignatius dies at 65 years old.

    St. Ignatius dies at 65 years old.
    While living in Rome in 1556, Ignatius dies from a sickness known as "The Roman Fever," which may have been what is presently called Malaria, because Malaria was going around at that time in Italy. He was sixty-five years old at the time of his death. The Jesuit Church in Rome, The Gesu, holds the body of St Ignatius underneath the altar.