Main building

St. Ignatius High School

  • St. Ignatius is founded

    St. Ignatius is founded
    St. Ignatius was founded in 1886 because Bishop Richard Gilmour wanted an all boys school in the area. He first asked Notre Dame for people to help found the school but they were recovering from a school fire. He found help in a group of Jesuits from Buffalo, New York, at Canisius. It was first on the German Gymansium program that was a 6-year secondary education institution.
  • Main building is completed

    Main building is completed
    The main building was completed in 1891.There were plans to continue the construction to make it symmetrical but the Great Depression caused financial problems.
  • St. Ignatius becomes college and high school

    St. Ignatius becomes college and high school
    St. Ignatius split in 1902 to become a 4-year high school and a college.
  • College renamed

    College renamed
    In 1923 the college renamed itself John Carroll Universtiy after the frist Bishop of the United States.
  • College relocates to University Heights.

    College relocates to University Heights.
    In 1935 the college moved to University Heights.
  • Loyola Hall Construction

    In 1961, Loyola hall was reduced to 3 floors.