Aug 21, 1567
St. Francis birth
St. Francis was born on this date -
Period: Aug 21, 1567 to
Jan 23, 1572
St. Jane de Chantal birth
She was born in Dijon, France -
Married to Christophe
She married Christophe when she was 20 and had four kids -
Christophe dies
He died in a hunting accident -
St. Jane develops care for the poor and sick
When she does this she returns to Dijon and meets St. Francis -
Margaret Mary Alacoque birth
She was born on this date -
Takes a vow of Chasity
This important because it was at a very young age -
Before she dies she joins a visitation order and has a vision of Jesus -
Mary Desales Chappius
Was around during the industrial revolution -
Mary desales Chappius birth
Born on this date -
Blessed Louis Brisson
Born on this date -
Leonie Aviat
Was born on this date, she was assumed responsibility for the girls club -
Blessed Louis Brisson
his last words were, “Jesus my love Mary Joseph”