St. benedict

St. Benedict

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    In the next 19 years, St. Benedict builds 12 monastaries in the Subiaco mountains.
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    Two Saints

    Two Saints
    Two saints named St. Placid and St. Maurus were both sent to Mount. Subiaco from their Parents to receive from St. Benedict the Monastic Habit.
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    St. Benedict sends St. Placid into Sicily in Italy. Then St. Benedict has a mysterious vision were "God grants him the sight of the whole world, brought together in one ray of the sun".
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    At the age of 63, St. Benedicts life was taken away as he was standing on the chapel of his monastary in Cassino which was supported by his religious at the three o'clock in the morning.
  • Birth

    St. Benedict and his sister, St. Scholastica were born in Nursia in Southern Italy. They were born from their parents Anicius Eupropius and Abundantia.
  • School

    He left Nursia to study in Rome with his nurse Cyrilla.
  • Leaves School

    Leaves School
    He leaves Rome without his nurse, Cyrilla and goes to Subiaco. Subiaco is a montain district, a 40 mile distant from Rome. He meets a Holy Hermit named Romanus which he asked to receive the Religious habit.
  • Famine

    During a famine, St Benedict distributes a bunch of corn to the poor in the Monastary. On the following day, he receives from heaven 200 bushels of flour.