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  • The Second Continental Congress Meets MAY 1775

    The Second Continental Congress Meets MAY 1775
    The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the thirteen colonies that saturated meeting in spring of 1775
  • Battles of Lexington and concord APRIL 1775

    Battles of Lexington and concord APRIL 1775
    It was the first engagement of the American Revolutionary War. The were faught in MIDDLESEX COUNTRY , province of MASSACHUETTS BAY.
  • George Washington names. Commander of the. Continental Congress JUNE 1775

    George Washington names. Commander of the. Continental Congress JUNE 1775
    The continental congress commissioned George commander of chief because he was elected over others cause of his previous military.
  • Thomas Paine published COMMON SENCE

  • Declaration of Independence adopted

    Declaration of Independence adopted
    The United States Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the second continental congress in Pennsylvania state House .
  • Continentals defeat British at Saratoga

    Continentals defeat British at Saratoga
    British general John Burgoyne earned the nickname” gentleman Johnny” for his love of leisure.
  • Contenentials army camps at the valley forge for the winter.

    Contenentials army camps at the valley forge for the winter.
    With the onset of the bitter cold, the continental army under general George Washington , still in the field.
  • Articles of the conferation adopted

    The continental congress adopted The articles of confederation the first constitution of the United States
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    The siege of Yorktown also known as the battle of Yorktown the surrender of Yorktown German battle of little york
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris signed the Paris representatives of king George the third of Bret Britain