
SS10 Confederation Timeline And Beyond Assignment

By Takashi
  • 1837: The Rebellions In Upper And Lower Canada

  • 1838: Lord Durham's Report Is Issued

  • 1841: United Province Of Canada Is Formed

  • 1849: Lord Elign Signs The Rebellion Losses Bill

  • 1849: Crown Country Of Vancouver Island Is Created

  • 1854: Reciprocity Treaty Is Signed With The U.S.

  • 1857: Gradual Civilization Act Is Passed

  • 1858: Colony Of British Columbia Is Created

  • 1864: Great Coalition is Formed

  • 1864: Charlottetown Confrence Takes Place

  • 1864: Quebec Confrence is Held

  • 1865: American Civil War Ends

  • 1866: The London Confrence Is Held

  • 1867: Canada Becomes A Dominion