British defeated at Ft. Duquesne
British marched towards the Ft at the forks of the Ohio. The British arrived at the fort. Only to fight a battle they would lose. -
French take Ft. Oswego
General Montcalm lead a force of regulars and a Canadian militia.
The french took the fort. The battle was big for the french, the fort was on a body of water. -
Massacre at Ft. William Henry
One of the most famous events in the war the massacre was a big one. The savage like actions of the French and Indians was worry some. -
The British took Louisburg.
The battle of Louisburg opened up the St Lawrence river. -
Battle of Quebec
The British sailed down the St Lawrence River. They took the capital of France about on month later. -
Treaty of Paris
The French were scared, they anounced the Treaty of Paris.