• Townshed Act

    What it was? It was a sequence of measures passed down by the British Parliament that taxed shipped goods to American colonies.

    How did they impact national policy? This impacted national policy because you were forced to pay taxes on shipped goods.
    How it affected the geography of the United States? They had more money so they could buy more land, with tax money.
    Effect? Colonists dislike the new laws because they took power away from the colonial government.
  • Louisianan Purchase

    What it was? It was a purchase of territory, from France, that gave the United States 828,000 square miles of land.
    How did they impact national policy? Jefferson made his constitutional power to arrange treaties that allowed the person of what became fifteen states.
    Effect? It gave our country a sense of nationalism. It also gave us a sense of strength and importance.
    How it affected the geography of the United States? It doubled the size of our country.
  • War of 1812

    What it was? The war of 1812 was a fight, fought between the U.S. and the United Kingdom. They were fighting over British violations of U.S. maritime rights.
    How did they impact national policy? This impacted the national policy because we now are allies with the United Kingdom, do to the Treaty of Ghent.
    How it affected the geography of the U.S.?This war made no quick boundary changes.
    Effect? It gave a dramatic encouragement to the manufacturing capabilities of the U.S.
  • Remember the Alamo

    What it was? The Alamo was a war fought between TX and Mexico. The Mexicans won the battle.
    How did they impact national policy? This impacted national policy because we did not have the right to this land.
    How it affected the geography of the US? This affected the geography of the US because we lost this battle, so when we fought again we had the power to take our land.
    Effect? Remembering how badly we lost in the Alamo, we fought twice as hard, and Texas gained their land.
  • Donner Party

    What it was? It was a group of pioneers who migrated to CA from the Midwest. Their journey was delayed with a series of disasters so they spent a very cold winter in 1846-1847 in Sierra NV.
    How did they impact national policy? It now represents a highway connecting San Francisco with Reno.

    How it affected the geography of the U.S.?It made travel ways to CA.
    Effect? This was a good lesson for travelers because everyone would remember the hardships the donner party faced.