Sr Irene McCormack

  • The birth of Sr Irene McCormack

  • sr irene joined the sister of st joesphs

  • Irene received vows as a novice

  • Sr Irene took her first vowels

    Sr Irene took her first vowels
  • Sr Irene McCormack took her final vowels

  • Irene Graduated from the University of Western Australia

    Irene Graduated from the University of Western Australia
  • Irene becomes a principle from 1981 to 1985

    Irene becomes a principle from 1981 to 1985
  • Irene traveled to Peru to start her missionary work.

    Irene traveled to Peru to start her missionary work.
  • The josephite sisteres celebrated 10 years together

    The josephite sisteres celebrated 10 years together
  • Sr Irene McCormack was murdered