Sr Irene MCcormack

  • Sister Irene MCormack

    she was born 3rd of 5 kids and she loved soccer
  • Period: to

    Sr Irene MCcormack

  • Irene MCcormack joins siters of saint joseph

    in 1955 she did her first religious life vowes
  • she entered th religous life at the age of 17

    1955 she entered the religous life at the age of 17
  • received novice into a order

    6th of january 1957, she recieved novice into a order
  • 1959 first vows

    6 jan 1959-first vows in sydney
  • 1965 final vows

    6 jan 1965-final vows in sydney
  • Huasahuasi

    14 january 1990 irene MCcormack came back to huasahuasi
  • irene left

    17th december 1989 irene MCcrmack left huasahuasi
  • irene dies

    21st may 1991 irene MCcormack died.
  • irene burried

    on 23rd may 1991 uneral mass was held and irene was buried in the huasahuasi cemetery