Period: to
Sputnik unti Present Day
The launch of Sputnik lead to the space race as well as the technology race of the late 1900's -
Carbon Fiber was Invented
This allowed new lighter tecnology to be made. -
Integrated Circuit was Invented
This invention alowed all further technolgoy to be created. -
8 Track was Invented
First step to the new form of music distrabution. -
Cordless Telophone
Allowed for comunication in more locations -
Hand Held Caculator
Allowed for faster math equations -
CCD Invented
Major componet for image technology. -
PC was Invented
The PC allowed jobs to be done digitally -
Microprocessor Invented
The microproesor allowed computers to become faster and smaller -
MRI was Invented
allowed advances in health care -
Cell Phone Ivented
The cell phone produced the abillity to connect oto people as they traveled -
Digital Camera was Invented
The invention of the camera allowed mass media to really get started -
Space Shuttle was Invented
The space shuttle allowed safer travek to space -
Internet Went Public
The internet allowed mass numbers of people to transfer data. -
Firewall Invented
Firewall's allowed safer internet use -
CMOS Imaging Sensors Invented
CMOS Sensors allowed better quality images to be taken -
JAVA Script Invented
JAVA allowed more complex interface with web pages. -
Adobe Flash Invented
Adobe aloud media sharing on web pages -
Ipod Invented
The invention of portable music allowed a new industry of music sales -
Hybrid Car Invented by Toyota
Made a car that was envormently friendly -
YouTube was Invented
YouTube allowed sharing of personal videos -
Retinal Implant for the Blind
The implant allowed sight in those who were blind -
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
The Galaxy Note 3 is trhe most advance phone made to date allowing most features of a PC in your hands.