
Springer Project Timeline

  • Springer is found

    Springer is found
    A young, abandoned orca was found in the Puget Sound in Washington, near Seattle.
  • Springer is identified

    Springer is identified
    Originally identified as belonging to the G-pod of orcas, Springer was later re-identifed as belonging to A-pod, as the orca A73.
  • Vancouver Aquarium proposes a rescue plan

    Vancouver Aquarium proposes a rescue plan
  • Public meeting held

    Public meeting held
    A public meeting was held in Seattle to discuss Springer.
  • National Marine Fisheries Service announces intervention

    National Marine Fisheries Service announces intervention
    NMFS announced that it will intervene to help rescue Springer.
  • Springer captured for evaluation

    Springer captured for evaluation
    After it was decided that Springer would be rehabilitated and reintroduced into the wild, Springer was captured for health evaluations, as the stakeholders did not want to introduce harmful pathogens into Springer's pod.
  • Springer moved to Johnstone Strait holding pen

    Springer moved to Johnstone Strait holding pen
    To prepare Springer for her release, she was moved to a holding pen located in Johnstone Strait.
  • Springer released

    Springer released
    Springer's pod came by the next day, after she was moved to Johnstone Strait, and she was released to return to her family.
  • Springer spotted

    Springer spotted
    A year later marked a huge milestone, when Springer was spotted with her pod, meaning she had survived that critical first year.
  • Springer spotted with calf

    Springer spotted with calf
    July of 2013, Springer was spotted with her calf, indicating her fully successful integration into her pod's social strata.