Spring 2013 Like Water for Chocolate 3rd. Helberth

  • January

    Tita wants to married but her mom don't let her because she has to take care of her mom until she dies. So TIta's lover Pedro marries Rosaura, Tita's sister. Pedro marries Rosaura so he can close to Tita. "You know perfectly well that being the youngest daughter means you have to take care of me until I die." 10
  • February

    After the wedding, when they were eating, the food was posing. Everybody was vomating. Rosaura ruined her wedding dress due to the vomit. Tita was blamed for this in which she took a beaten for. Later Tita finds Nacha her other sister and cooking partner dead holding a picture of her fiance. "Tita went looking for her, she found Nacha lying dead, her eyes wide open, medicinal leaves upon her temples, a picture of her fiance clutched in her hands. 41
  • March

    After her sister dies. Tita notice something was wrong with her other sister, Gertrudis. Gertrudis was having lustful thoughts of one of Pancho Villa's men. One day when she was in the outside shower. Gertrudis catches the wooten shower on fire. She runs out naked to be picked up by the man she had been lusting about. They left making love to the rhytem of the horse. Tita and Pedro watch everything that happend only to desired each other even more.
  • march 2

    march 2
    "Gertrudis stopped running when she saw him riding torward her. Naked as she was, with her loosened hair falling to her waist, luminous, glowing with energy." 55
  • April

    In this chapter Rosaura has Pedro's son. Rosaura is not able to nature him so Tita magically has milk in her breast and feeds the child Roberto. Since Rosaura is not doing well, Mama Elena plans to send them to San Antonio where she will recive better care. Tita becomes depress by the news since she had become so close with Roberto as if she was her mother. "Have you thought were Pedro will work in in San Antonio." 80
  • May

    Once in San Antionio Roberto dies. When Tita hears the news she fips out and blames her mom for it. Her hits her and breaks her nose she goes to the barn to take care of a bird. They think she is crazy. They get doctor John to come and take her away. John instead of taking her to a mental home he takes her home. "You did it! You killed Roberto!" 99
  • June

    Tita becomes very depress and isolated. She don't say a word for six months. John talks to her about a fire that lives inside you. That fire needs a spark to get it going and that spark comes from the one you love. "Box of matches inside us but we can't strike rhwm all by ourselves." 115
  • July

    A group of guys come in the ranch and raped Chencha another one of Tita's sister. Mama Elena became peralyzed. Tita started feeding her but she would refuse the food saying that it was posin. Later Mama Elena died and Pedro came back for the funeral. Tita's love for John change after she seen Pedro again. Rosaura came back pregnet. "They raped Chencha. Mama Elena, trying to defend her honor , sufferd a strong blow to her spine and was left a paralegic." 129
  • August

    John ask Tita to married him, she agrees and John goes to get his aunt for the wedding that lives in the United States. This is the perfect opportunity for Pedro to seduce Tita. They make love and Tita looses her virginity and learns what true love is. "Throwing himself upon her, caused her to lose her virginity and learned of true love." 158
  • September

    Tita is now pregnant by Pedro. She becomes scared because she is suppose to marry John when he gets back from his trip. Meantime her sister Gertrudis comes back as a leader in the army and comes with fifty men under her command. Chencha is mad because she has to clean and cook after fifty men every day. "She had to set up a huge table on the patio and prepare chocolate for fifty men in the troop. 181
  • October

    John gets back and is ready to marry Tita but when they kiss Tita can tell she does not feel the same as she use to towards him. Mean while Gertrudis tells her army stories and talks to TIta about her pregnentcy. "John embraced her warmly, but when he kisses her, he knew something had changed inside of Tita." 203
  • November

    Rosaura admits to Tita that she knows everything that is going on between Tita and Pedro. Rosaura does not allowed TIta to have anything to do with her daughter. The fight leads to a bigger division between them. " I am going to feed my daughter from now on. I don't want you feeding her ever again, never again." 215
  • December

    Rosaura dies a year before her daughter Esperanza marries Alex, John's son. After the wedding Pedro and Tita make love for the first time without hiding. Pedro dies while having sex. TIta all alone decides to kill herself. Espepranza's daughter finds the book and adds to it. Know she will hold her legancy. "Perhaps I am as sensitive to onions as Tita, my great-aunt, who will go on living as long as there is someone who cooks her recipies." 246