Christ the king3 793x1063

Spread of Christianity

  • Period: 9 BCE to 33

    The Life and Death of Jesus.

  • 1 BCE

    The Birth of Jesus.

    The Birth of Jesus.
    What we know about jesus's life and his birth around 0 B.C.E. comes from the four Gospels. Not much is known about his childhood, but when Jesus was about 30, John the Baptist identified him as the Messiah.
  • 30

    Picture of Paul

    Picture of Paul
  • Period: 30 to 63

    The Missionary Work of Paul.

    Paul of Tarsus was a Jew. He persecuted Christians. But, after a vision, he became an important Christian missionary, spreading the religion around the empire. His letters to early churches are part of the Christian Bible.
  • 33

    Jesus Crucifixion

    Jesus Crucifixion
    His teachings angered some. In his early 30s, the Romans executed Jesus by crucifixion. According to the Christian Bible, three days later, he arose from the dead and appeared to his disciples. His disciples began to spread his teachings.
  • 64

    Nero's conviction on the Christians

    Nero's conviction on the Christians
    Nero began persecuting Christians on the grounds of disloyalty and blamed them for the great fire in Rome in A.D. 64, something which he was involved. Among those put to death under his rule, according to tradition, were the apostles Peter and Paul. Tacitus wrote that before the killing of Christians, Nero used them to amuse the people. Some were dressed in furs, to be killed by dogs. Others were crucified. Still others were set on fire . Although persecution was often cruel.
  • Period: 313 to 380

    Christianity Spreads.

    The new religion survived harsh persecution and spread across the Roman Empire. In 313 C.E; the emperor Constantine gave Christians freedom of religion in the Edict of Milan. It was the official Roman religion by 380.