Sports in America

  • Period: to

    History of Sports

  • Baseball Starts

    Baseball Starts
    The first professional Sport with the league being called the National Association of base ball players.
  • Football Starts

    Football Starts
    In 1875 Harvard played a rugby-styled game with different rules that is arguably the first football game.
  • MLB

    In 1876 MLB or Major League Baseball is founded.
  • Basketball Starts

    Basketball Starts
    In 1891 a gym teacher has his students play a game to get out of the rain and it was the start of Basketball.
  • Baseball Becomes National Sport

    Baseball Becomes National Sport
    Sometime in the late 19th century america recognizes baseball as its national sport.
  • Olympics

    8 Olympic games have taken place in America starting in 1904.
  • Profesional Football

    Profesional Football
    In 1920 the National Football League was created and brought football its proper recognition after about 100 years of unclear rules.
  • NBA

    The National Basketball Association is founded in 1946.
  • Color Barrier

    Color Barrier
    A Color Line existed in most sports including Baseball until Jackie Robinson broke it in 1947.
  • Current Day

    Current Day
    Currently American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Ice Hockey, and Soccer are the most popular sports in America