
Sports and Steroids

  • 1972 Olympics

    1972 Olympics
    In 1974, a British track star named David Jenkins was caught and banned for the use of steroids
  • Arnold Scwarzenegger

    Arnold Scwarzenegger
    In 1977, an immigrant from Austria named Arnold became the face of weightlifting. Which later discovered, Arnold was indeed on steroids.
  • MLB

    Major League Baseball bans prefromance enhancing steroids
  • Nfl Player Dies

    Lyle Alzado dies of brian cancer caused by steroids
  • Germany Swim

    Olympic swim coach admits of use of steroids in swim program
  • Homerun Chase

    Homerun Chase
    Three guys named Barry Bonds, Mark Mcgwire and Sammy Sosa all were trying to beat eachother for the record of most homeruns in a season but were all found guilty of using preformance enhancing drugs
  • Sprinter banned

    A british sprinter banned from the Olympics fro life because tested posotive for HGH
  • Steroids spread to Hockey

    Steroids spread to Hockey
    Bryan Berard is the first hocke player to test positive for anobolic steroids.
  • ALex Rodriguez

    On this date, ALex Rodriguez was convicted of using anobloic steroids and was banned for 162 games