400 BCE
He was one of the first philosophers to develop a theory of spontaneous generation, based on his observations of the natural world. He proposed that certain living things could arise from non-living matter under specific conditions, without the need for parents of the same species. -
Francesco Redi
Francesco Redi, fou un naturalista, metge i poeta de la Toscana, conegut especialment per haver fet experiments a Florència considerats molt rellevants en la refutació de la teoria de la generació espontània, la qual postulava la producció d'éssers vius partint de matèria inerta. -
John Needham
John Needham was an English naturalist and priest known for his experiments on spontaneous generation. -
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Lazzaro Spallanzani was an Italian biologist and priest who conducted crucial experiments to refute the hypothesis of spontaneous generation. -
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur fue un científico francés reconocido como uno de los fundadores de la microbiología moderna.