Speeding on the Road of Life

  • The Day Korea was Seperated

    This is was a very sad day for humanity.
  • The Day I Was Born

    This was a glorious day for humanity and me, mostly me though.
  • The Day My Sister Was Born

    The day my sister was born was an improtant day for everyone in my family including myself. My parents were blessed with a healthy baby girl.
  • My First Communion

    This was a huge date for my Catholic life. This was the begining of my religious experience.
  • Graduated From Kindergarten

    It was a tough year. I am proud of my 6-year-old self for reaching one of my most diffificult goals.
  • Moved Back To Chicago

    I was very happy to come back to live in the city that I was born in. I was able to visit my grandparents more frequently and entend a new elementary school.
  • Learned How to Ride a Bike

    After many trips to the cold asphalt, I finally learned how to ride a bike without needing the help of training wheels.
  • Parents Seperated

    After a very unhappy marriage, my father decided to leave my family and move to Arizona.
  • I Became Handicap

    I found out that I have less then average sight. I was able to aquire glasses to help counter my poor sight. I have been wearing glasses/contacts ever since.
  • Learnign To Skateboard

    My cousin was an avid skateboarder. I idolized him at the time, so I wanted to skateboard aswell. I started to skateboard aroudn this time and it has been a part of my life ever since.
  • The Day We Got Our Cat

    The day my family was lucky enough to get a cat was the day our family got a new family member.
  • My First Confirmation

    This was the next step in my Catholic life. My first Confirmation was an important experience that I will probably never forget.
  • Graduated From the Best Elementary School

    This is the day all my hard work in Porage Park payed off.
  • Learned How to Drive a Car

    Accomplishing one of the most important teenage goals is a very happy memory. When my father taught me how to drive I was very happy.
  • My Grandpa Passing Away

    After battleing with alzheimer's for a few years, my grandfather finally passed away. I have only met him once or twice but I know he was a great person.
  • Bjersgon Joined TSM

    The King has finally come and I got a new favorite player.
  • The Office Ends

    This was a very sad day for humanity. My favorite show at the time, The Office, aired its final episode on this date. There hasn't been a new episode of The Office since. I cri every tim.
  • Got Accepted By the IBCC Program

    This was a very proud day for me. I was very happy that my hard work was noticed by IBCC, a very important program.
  • Meeting Mr.G

    This was a very important date because I was able to meet all of my new teachers for the third year of my high schoo life. I was lucky enough to meet the best teacher on this side of the planet, Mr.G.
  • Creating This Timeline

    Even though it doesn't seem like it, this timeline is very important to me. It gave me a chance to reflect on my past achievements and learn to appreciate all that I went through to become who I am today.