The Brown v Topeka Board of Education
In 1952 a landmark case acted upon by the U.S. Supreme Court decreed that segregated but equal school facilities for black and white school children were discriminatory and unconstitutional. Reversed a prior decision rendered in Plessy v Ferguson in 1894 that legalized separate schools based on racial lines.
This case changed the way the world interacted with one another.
https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka -
The Civil Rights Acts
In 1964 the Civil Rights gave support to advocates who pushed for the inclusion of students with disabilities in schools. It provided the integration of schools and other public facilities and made employment discrimination illegal. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka -
Section 504 Rehabilitation Act
In 1973 the Rehabilitation Act states, that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall solely by reason of his/or her disability be excluded from participation in be denied benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial aid assistance. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasam/centers-offices/civil-rights-center/statutes/section-504-rehabilitation-act-of-1973