Special Education Timeline

By Ason24
  • 300 BCE

    Deaf communities in Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greek writers like Plato mention the existence of deaf people. While Plato himself was highly dismissive of deaf people's intellect, other ancient writers note the existence of sign languages and deaf communities.
  • Down Syndrome is first described

    John Langdon Down (and earlier Edouard Seguin) start to classify it as a unique mental situation
  • Alexander Graham Bell abuses deaf children at his school

    Alexander Graham Bell opens a school for the deaf in which deaf children are prevented from using sign language and subjected to cruel treatments by staff.
  • Hans Asperger's work

    Asperger pioneers research into autism
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

  • Period: to

    My Mom Tutors "Robbie" (child with fetal alcohol syndrome)

    My mother (a former elementary teacher) runs a reading tutoring company, since our district stopped teaching phonics. I often entertain students while they wait before or after lessons, and so I get to know Robbie, a boy a year old than me who was born with fetal alcohol syndrome, for the duration of her tutoring company.
  • Period: to

    Friendship Camp

    I work most summers at an overnight summer camp for children. One week every summer we host a camp of adults with developmental disabilities ranging from Down Syndrome to fetal alcohol syndrome. This week is always preceding by a day or two of sensitive and support training, including basic ASL signs, for staff so that even the non-experts can provide adequate support.
  • A grad school best friend "comes out" as autistic to me

    One of my best friends in grad school pulls me aside and, with a lot of fear and uncertainty in his voice, reveals to me that he is autistic. This suddenly clarifies some of our past interactions for me, and my warm, supportive reaction to his revelation leads to us becoming closer friends. I still struggle to know why he was "in the closet" about being autistic, but he clearly was doing his best to hide his atypical neurology.
  • My Eldest Niece is Diagnosed with Autism

    After years of biting or otherwise showing hostility to other children, my eldest niece is formally diagnosed with autism. This diagnosis unlocks whole realms of accommodations and therapy tools that enable her to become the empowered, energetic, young woman I know today.
  • My second oldest niece is diagnosed with ADHD