Marshall et al. v. Georgia
The judge ruled that the large numbers of African Americans was nondiscriminatory in special classes. He viewed their socioeconomic status played more of a part than discrimination.
African Americans being in special classes was based more on opinions.
I disagree with this ruling because it’s still a form of discrimination. I believe the ruling of this case had no substance because it was based on his views and not substantial evidence for determining mild intellectual disability. -
1988 Honig v. Doe
The Court made it clear that taking out disruptive students out the class is not prohibited. For serve behavior issues they can be suspended for 10 days.
Instead of the school systems being able to remove student from their classroom that are disruptive, they have to follow the P.L procedures.
I agree with the court ruling because a student should not be removed for disruptive and dangerous behavior. Follow all steps to get the students behavior on the right path to prevent suspension. -
1999 Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F.
The School District doesn’t want to give trained nurse services to Garret during the school day. The Supreme Court ruled they had to provide that service while Garret is at school.
The court ruled the School District be required to give Garret all services while at school. The School District disagreed because giving trained nurse services wasn’t mandatory under IDEA.
I agree with this ruling because it’s all about the students. All services should be provided whether it’s under IDEA. -