Special Education Law

  • Brown v Board of Education

  • Civil Rights Act (1964)

  • he Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965

  • Parc v Common Wealth of PA

  • Mills v. Board of Education

  • The Rehabilitation Act-504 (1973)

  • The Education for All handicapped Children's Act

  • Larry P. v. Riles

  • Armstrong v Kline

  • Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v Rowley

  • Irving Independent School District v. Tatro

  • Burlington School Committee v. DOE

  • EHA Amendment (1986)

  • Honig v. Doe

  • Danny R.R. v. State Board of Education,

  • EHA Amendment (1990)

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

  • Board of Education in Sacramento CA v. Holland

  • Oberti v. Board of Education

  • Gaskin v. Commonwealth of PA

  • EHA/IDEA Amendment (1997)

  • Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garrett F

  • No Child Left Behind (2001

  • IDEA Amendment (2004)

  • Endrew, F v. the Douglas County School District (2017)