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Special Education Legislative Events
Department of Public Welfare vs Haas Court Ruling
The Supreme Court of Illinois rules that free public education is not required for "feebleminded" or "mentally deficient." In understand the laws of special education today, it is important to understand where the laws began and how they have changed. I see this case as one that began the debate and fight for education for all people including those with disabilities. -
Mills vs Board of Education of the District of Columbia
This ruling required the state to provide "adequate alternative education services" to chidren with disabilities. This ruling also required review of a child's progress and if the services were serving the child's needs. I consider this a beginning step in what today we call an IEP. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Pulbic Law 94-142 known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act is what could be considered the beginning of what special education looks like today. This piece of legislation says that all children have the right to a free appropriate public education. It includes federal funding, least restrictive enviroment, and includes services from ages 3 to 21. -
Public Law 99-457
The Preschool Law extended special education services to children from birth. Early intervention and family education is so effective in giving a child with a disability a strong start in their education and life. -
IDEA: Indiviuals with Disabilites Education Act
This legislation builds on the 1975 Education for Handicapped Children Act but the language of the legislation title alone shows the change in tone. "Individual with Disabilities" shows the attitude change to show that these individuals are people first. -
No Chid Left Behind Act
Considered to be a major educational reform, the No Child Left Behind Act purpose was to improve performaces of schools. How this related to special education is the fact that the law requires accounability to students of special education and those in general education . This law does not make an exceptionality for students with disabilties. The schools is accountable for all students' progress. -
IDEIA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
The most currently legislation that dictates the rights of children and requirements of school districts to provide children with disablities a free appriopriate public education. This includes Zero Reject, Child Find, Individuals Education Plans (IEP), and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).