Special ED

  • Elementary School

    There was a student in my school who got into a car crash and was in a wheelchair ever since that happened. I remember this because the school announced it to everyone.
  • Middle School

    There was a student who was Autistic and he would get bullied a lot. I remember he really liked bunnies and other soft animals.
  • High School

    Students with special needs became more clear around me. I knew that they were "different" and a lot of students bullied them. I knew it was wrong but I wouldn't stand up for anyone.
  • Community College

    There was an Autistic student in my Pre-Cal class. He was really smart and passed the class. But he was socially awkward and some students would laugh but not as much compared to High School.
  • SSU

    I began to notice facilities for disabilities. Buttons to open bathroom doors. Ramp instead of stairs. Buildings created a certain way.