1936 BCE
The Popular Front
Left-wing parties socialist, communists, some nationalists and anarchists, formed Popular Front and went together to the elections. Calvo Sotelo and José Antonio Primo de Rivera, leader of the fascist party Falange Española,were the most important political politicians of the right-wing parties. The Popular Front won the elections.The new government restarted thereforms and gave freedom to the prisoners of the October revolution. Azaña became the president of the Republic -
1936 BCE
The coup d ́état and the division of Spain
The army rebelled in the Peninsula on the 18th July
1936. The coup was accepted by the church and followed by part of the army, carlistas political parties, monarchists, conservatives and falanxistas,these called themselves Nationalists.The coup divided Spain in two parts. Nationalists controlled most part of both Castelas, Galicia, Cáceres, part of western Andalucía, Navarra, Baleares (except Menorca) and the Canary Islands -
1933 BCE
Bienio conservador
The “center–right” political parties won the elections in 1933. The
new government from the Radical party of Lerroux,with the support of CEDA, stopped the reforms that the previous government had started. In 1934, there were new ministers from the CEDA, the left-wing parties did not accept them and they decided to get the power in a non-democratic way so there was the October revolution. -
1932 BCE
Casas viejas
Wealthy landowners, high Church hierarchy and Army
officers were against the reforms. They considered them radical.Anarchists and trade unions were also against them,But because they considered them too light.There was aCoup detatLed by General San jurjo in Seville,but it failed.Anarchists, on the other hand, occupied land,Because they were unhappy because the agrarian Reforms were too slow.In Casas Viejas (Cádiz)Farmers held demonstrations in January 1933.Several people died. -
1931 BCE
Bienio Reformista
Made the following reforms:Agrarian reform,Catalonia got its autonomy,Military reform,Labour reforms,Education reform,Civil marriages and divorce were regulated. -
Local elections
There were local elections. In general, supporters of the monarchy won the elections but Republicans won in most of the provincial capitals,less dominated by local caciques,so they considered themselves the real winners.Because of these results Alfonso XIII went into exile.A provisional government proclaimed the second
republic. -
The Provisional Government
Because of these results, Alfonso XIII went into exile.
A provisional government proclaimed the second
republic, on the 14th April of 1931. The Provisional Government and the 1931 Constitution. The new government was integrated by the political parties that signed the San SebastianPact, presided by Alcalá Zamora