Spanish Revolutions

  • On July 18, 1936

    On July 18, 1936
    The Spanish civil WAr begins as a revolt by right wing spanish military officers in Spanish Morocco and spreads to mainland spain. From the Canary islands, General Francisco Franco broadcasts a message calling for all army officers to join the uprising and overthrow Spain's leftist Republican government.
  • 19th July 1936

    19th July 1936
    The insurgents (or Nationalists) succeeded in seizing power in Morosco, Navarre, Galicia, Old Castile and Seville, but were thwarted in the key cities of Barcelona and Madrid
  • 20th July 1936

    20th July 1936
    Prime Minister Giral appealed to the French Socialist Government (whose Prime Minister was Leon Bum) for amrs supplies.
  • 25th July 1936

    25th July 1936
    The Nationalists captured the Somosierra pass to the North of Madrid. The Firs shipment of French aircraft sent as aid to the Republican Government arrived in Spain.
  • 26th July 1936

    26th July 1936
    The COMINTERN agreed to send volunteers and funds to aid the Republic. Adolf Hitler agreed to spend military aid to the Nationalists after negotianting with representatives sent to BErlin by General Franco.
  • 27th- 30th July 1936

    27th- 30th July 1936
    The airlift, which was to carry the Army of African from Morocco to the Mainland, began when German and Italian transport aircraft arrived in Spain's North African territories.
  • 8th August 1936

    8th August 1936
    The FRench Goverment changed its attitude towars Republican Spain and stopped further sales of arms and ammunition. This marked the beginning of the Nonintervention Policy.
  • 30 th December 1936

    30 th December 1936
    The Republican destroyer Diez was damanged by the Nationalist cruiser Canarias off the coast near Catalon Bay, The Diez was so badly damaged that she had to be beached to stop her sinking. She was later towed to Gibraitar and Remained there, interned, until the end of the war.
  • 28th March 1939

    28th March 1939
    The Nationalists entered Madrid
  • 29th - 1st April 1939

    29th - 1st April 1939
    Hostilites ceased. General Franco announced that teh war was over.