Spanish history timeline

By Avery_-
  • Period: 19 BCE to

    Spanish History Timeline

  • 718

    Reconquista begins

    Reconquista begins
    The Reconquista was a series of campaigns waged between the Christians and the Muslim people who ruled much of Spain. It was a conflict that lasted many-a-century. Not being considered a religious crusade, the Reconquista was instead viewed as a political expansion into the Muslim lands.
  • 1478

    Spanish Inquisitions begin

    Spanish Inquisitions begin
    A Catholic church tribunal that would hunt down to punish or kill those suspected of heresy. Mainly targeting Jews and Muslims it was said to be quite brutal. The Spanish Inquisition was the reason most Jewish people migrated out of Spain.
  • 1492

    Reconquista Ends

    Reconquista Ends
    The Reconquista ended with the capture of the kingdom Granada by Ferdinand ll of Aragon and Isabella l of Castile. The capture of this stronghold was the last major Muslim power left in Spain which inevitably resulted in the end of the conflict.
  • 1520

    Hernan Cortes conquers Aztecs

    Hernan Cortes conquers Aztecs
    Hernan Cortes took over the Aztec empire by using strategies and military tactics, combined with the weakness that new diseases brought over the Aztecs in order to take over and fall Tenochtitlan. He also was aided by thousands of native people who joined forces against the Aztecs to make an army of roughly 2000 soldiers.
  • 30 year war begins

    30 year war begins
    The thirty year war began as a primary conflict between those in the Roman Empire however Spain soon became involved and from there so did many of the other European countries. It was mainly a religious conflict with political roots as well.
  • War of Spanish succession begins

    War of Spanish succession begins
    The war of Spanish Succession was a war in which two competing powers were fighting for control over the land of Spain after the king, Charles ll died without a biological heir. There was a struggle for control between the House of Bourbon and the House of Habsburg. It started in just Spain but quickly spread across Europe.
  • Pablo Picasso is born

    Pablo Picasso is born
    Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain to an academic painter as a father. Even as a child he was fascinated with art and began drawing at a young age. When he became the famously well known painter he is today his art was focused around the cubist movement, creating controversial pieces for years to come.
  • Spanish-American war is fought

    Spanish-American war is fought
    The Spanish-American war was a conflict fought mainly due to the sinking of the USS Maine, and American support for Cuban independence. This resulted in the US gaining territories in the Western Pacific and Latin America. The declaration of war was issued by the US on April 21st 1898.