The Spanish Flu started and it has not spread to Utah yet but the doctors need to get ready because there is a very good chance that it will spread to Utah so people need to be prepared.
People can't bury there dead becasue it is too dangerouse that they could get sick and die. The Major gets sick as well as sixty three more people. People are ordered to isolate themselves.
Movie Industries decide to stop filming and post pone relising movies until after the end of the pandemic.
Salt Lake City becomes a "closed city". The people who got sick had to report it and stay in bed and call a doctor. Everything is closed down and you have to stay inside becuase this is the most death rate Salt Lake City had ever had.
The closing of schools has made people scared because they are imagining geting sick or their loved ones getting sick so people are very scared. Adults have to watch their kdis carefully looking for any sign that their kid may be sick.
A speical hospital for the Sic people is opended to help quorintine them from the rest of the people that live in Salt Lake City. Boy scouts make paphlets for the sick people. Officals are determined to stop the spread of the sickness.
There are no more big department sales from stores. They did this because it helped reduce the amount of people coming in contact with each other everyday.
People are sending out food packages to people who have the Spanish Flu and can't go out.
They start limiting the hours that stores can be open to help spread out people going there so everyone doesn't go to the store to help prevent people from getting sick.
If anyone in your home at the time got sick then you would have to write Influenza in big letters on your door or just anywhere that people can see it. Then everyone in the home has to wehre masks to try to prevent people from getting sick.
The red cross station hospital had to close down becuase of lack of patients due to the Spanish Flu. Only one new case of the Spanish Flu had been reported and admitted to a hospital.
When someone catches the virus they have to go home imediatly and isolate themselves. There are requests to use liquor in the treatement for the sickness. People are trying to ge liqour even though they aren't supposed to have it.
They have get nurses from Red Cross to help with the sick people in Salt Lake City. A prisoner got sick and they weren't aloud to go into the hospital. 785 people died during the week.
The schools will reopen on december 30 and there will be no new years break so that the kids can catch up on school work. The schools have to go two hours longer so the kids can catch up on theiir school work. People can do Public funerals again.