Uprising Starts
The uprisng starts in Morocco -
General Franco Takes Control
General Franco declares state of war and arrives in Morocco to take control of the army. In te peninsula, Cádiz, Sevilla, Córdoba, Pamplona, Burgos and Valladolid are controlled by the rebels -
Upring gets defeated in some places
Uprising is defeated in Madrid, Barcelona, País Vasco, Cataluña and Valencia, wich remain loyal to the government -
Troops Airlifted
In the first weeks of August, Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco planes to airlift the African troops to Sevil -
Objetive: Madrid
General Franco leads the army from the south and Mola from the north. By September, the nationalist take Badajoz and arrive to the tajo valley and Gipuzkoa -
Victory in Toledo
Franco turns his army to Toledo where the Nationalits soldiers are resisting the Republican siege in Alcázar. Franco´s troops win a symbolic victory -
Battle of Madird
Nationalist troops reach the capital. The government evacuates and heads to Valencia. International aid arrives and the Republicans resist. The nationalists besiege Madrid for much more of the war. -
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The Nothern front
The Gernika bombing helped the Nationalists win in Bizcaia. In spite of the Republican offensive in Aragón to slow down the Nationalist advance, Cantabria and Asturias are taken -
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Battle of Teruel
It is one of the most important battles of the war. Nationalists win a strategic victory that allows them to advance towards mediterranean. -
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Battle of the Ebro
The republican government launches a campaignto reconnect their territory. It fails, and Franco deploys mass forces to invade Cataluña. Only Valencia and Madrid remain in republiccan forces -
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Surrender of Republicans
A plot within the Republican Army causes the government to fall. Franco only accepts unconditial surrender, and Juan Negrin, president of the government, flees to France -
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End of the war
Nationalists start a general offensive. On 28 march,they occuppy Madrid and by 31 March, they control all Spanish terrytory. The republicans surrender. Franco proclaims Victory on 1 April