
Spanish Civil War

  • The uprising

    July 17: The uprising of Morocco. The Army of Africa is most prepared.
    July 18: General Francisco Franco, military of the Canary Islands, declares a state of war and arrives in Morocco take control of the troops.
    July 19: The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona.
    The African troops are airlifted. In the first week of August, Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco with planes to carry out the first mayor military.
  • The uprising

    Objetive Madrid. General Franco leads the African troops from the south an General Emilio Mola command the army from the north.
    Nationalist in Toledo. On 28 September 1936, Franco turns his army south to Toledo where the Nationalist soldiers are resisting the Republican siege in the Alcázar.
    The Battle for Madrid. November 1936. Nationalist troops reach the capital. International aid arrives in time and the Republicans resist.
  • The Republican side

    Revolution or victory. The Republican side at the time is best described as having a lack of unity and discipline.
    On one side. The POUM, CNT and the FAI believed that the war made it possible to start a Revolution.
    On other side. the PCE, who were pro-stalist, believed that victory was the most important thing.
  • The Nationalist side

    Franco's consolidation of power. In September 1936, rebel leaders appointed General Franco supreme commander of the Nationalist forces (Generalísimo). The Nationalist government was established in Burgos.
    On 18 November 1936, Germany and Italy recognised Franco's government.
  • The Northern front

    The Northern front. From March to October 1937. The Gernika bombing helped the Nationalists gain a decisive victory in Bizcaia.
  • The Nationalist side

    In April 1937, Franco Franco ordered the amalgamation of the rightist political groups including the Falange, Carlistas and Renovación Española into one party, Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista.
    On 1 June 1937, Spanish bishops publicly endorsed the Movimiento Nacional.
  • The Republican side

    In May 1937, the two sides confrontedeach other on the streets of Barcelona. Juan Negrín was named president of the new government.
  • The Battles in Spain

    The Battle of Teruel. From December 1937 to February 1938. It is one of the battles of the war. Nationalists gain a strategic victory that allows them to advance towards the Mediterranean.
    The Battle of the Ebro. From July to November 1938. The Republican government launches an all-out camping to reconnect their territory.
  • The Republican side

    In October 1938 these hopes vanished when the International Brigades were dismissed as a consequence of Stalin's friendship with Germany.
  • The Nationalist side

    In March 1939, Franco's government was recognised by France and Britain. The Vatican followed suit. National Catholicism, the ideological identity of Francoism, was established.
  • Civil War

    Civil war within the Civil War. In March 1939,. A National Council of Defence is formed to negotiate a peace deal.
    The end of the war. The Nationalists start a general offensive. On 28 March, they occupy Madrid and by 31 March, the control all Spanish territory.