Spanish Civil War

  • African troops airlifted to Spain

    Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco with planes to carry the troops in Morocoo to Sevilla
  • The Battle For Madrid

    Nationalist troops reach the capital, the government head to Valencia International aid arrives and the Republic resist
  • Objective Madrid

    General Franco leads the African troops from the South and take Badajoz. General Mola leads the army in the North and take Gipuzkoa
  • Morocco

    The army of Marocco rebels against the Second Republic
  • Period: to

    The uprising

    The war starts
  • Franco

    General Franco declares a state of war and in Morocco to control the troops
  • The uprising is defeated

    The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona. Zones like Valencia, Cataluña and Pais Vasco remain loyal to government
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    Franco´s troops with a symbolic victory in the Alcáder of Toledo
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    The Northern

    The Nationalist takes Bizcaia with the Gernika bombing and the Republican offensive in Aragón slow the advance of the Nationalist
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    The Battle of Teruel

    Nationalist gain a strategic victory that allows them to advance through the Mediterranean
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    The Batlle of Ebro

    The Republicans try to reconnect their territories but they fail and Franco deploys mass forces to invade Cataluña
  • Civil war within the Civil War

    The government in Valencia fall because a plot within the Republican Army. A national council of defence try to negotiate but Franco only accepts an unconditional surrender. The president of the government go to France
  • Nationalist in Barcelona

    The Nationalist enter in Barcelona and only Madrid, Valencia and other strongholds remain for the Republican forces
  • End of the War

    The Nationalist occupy Madrid with a general offensive and they control al the Spanish territory
  • Franco proclaimes victory

    Francisco Franco proclaimes the victory of the Nationalist