Spanish American War

  • US Attempt to Purchase Cuba

    US Attempt to Purchase Cuba
    The United States had long held an interest in Cuba since it was only 90 miles off of the coast. In response to the US's attempt at purchasing it, the Spanish said they would rather see Cuba sunk in the ocean.
  • First Cuban War for Independence

    First Cuban War for Independence
    Cuba's first war for independence, also known as the 10 Years War, lasted from 1868-1878. Despite the revolt being unsuccessful it did force the Spanish to abolish slavery.
  • Yellow Press

    Yellow Press
    Yellow journalism caused the United States to erupt in a "war fever".
  • José Martí

    José Martí
    José Martí led Cuba's second war for independence who was also a poet and journalist.
  • Valeriano Weyler sent to Cuba

    Spain sent Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to restore order. He started reconcentration camps where many Cubans died of hunger and disease.
  • Publication of the DeLôme Letter

    Publication of the DeLôme Letter
  • USS Maine Explodes

    USS Maine Explodes
    On February 15th the USS Maine explodes in Havanna Harbor killing 260 people.
  • US Declares War on Spain

    US Declares War on Spain
    Despite the Spanish agreeing to the US's terms, public opinion favored going to war with Spain which after a week of debate Congress officially declared war against Spain.