Spanish American War - Anna, Tana, Cheyanne, Makenzie

  • U.S Attempts to Purchase Cuba

    U.S Attempts to Purchase Cuba
    US attempts to purchase Cuba. This happened in October 1854. We wanted to buy Cuba from Spain. But the spanish responded by saying they would weather let Cuba sink then let us have it. The cubans fought the spanish people for independence and lost, but they did force the Spain to stop slavery. That is when the americans started to invest in millions of dollars in large sugarcane plantations on the island.
  • U.S Forces Invade Cuba

    U.S Forces Invade Cuba
    Also known as the Bay of Pigs! The Bay of Pigs invasion begins when a CIA-financed and -trained group of Cuban refugees lands in Cuba and attempts to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro. The attack was an utter failure.
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Naval Blockade of Cuba
    A response to the discovery that Soviet missles where being installed on the island. Naval blockade of Cuba after U.S. spy planes found Soviet missile sites on the Communist-ruled island.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Ended the U.S Revolutionary Wsar and granted the thirteen colonies political independence. A prelmininary treaty between Great Britian and the United States which was signed in 1782 - Final agreement was signed on Sept. 3, 1783
  • The spanish surrendered the philippines to the americans.

    The spanish surrendered the philippines to the americans.
    The Spanish surrendered the philippines to the Americans. In the month and year of April 30, 1889. The george dewey is the commander of the American fleet. He gave the order to attack the Spanish people on the philippines island. “Within hours, Dewey’s men had destroyed every spanish ship there.” 11,000 Americans joined the army to fight in the war, including some filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo. That is what happened in this event.
  • Cuba's First War for Independance

    Cuba's First War for Independance
    Cuba’s first war for independence was mainly about the fight to get their freedom from Spain. What they achieved in that war was the end of slavery in Cuba. And in the end result of this action the Americans started investing millions of dollar in large sugarcane plantations on the island. They wanted their freedom but lost the war in getting their full freedom from Spain.
  • Jose Marti Led Cuba's Second War for Independence

    Jose Marti Led Cuba's Second War for Independence
    José Martí launched revolutions a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York. He organized Cuban resistance against Spain using an active guerilla campaign and destroyed property (especially American-owned sugar mills and plantations) Provoked U.S. intervention to help the rebels achieve a free Cuba
  • Valeriano Weyler was Sent to Cuba by Spain

    Valeriano Weyler was Sent to Cuba by Spain
    Valeriano Weyler was a successful Spanish general who served many prestigious posts throughout his military career. He gained fame in Spanish American War for his unsuccessful "reconcentration plan"
  • The Yellow Press Began to Shape American Public Opinion with Respect to Cuba's Civil War

    The Yellow Press Began to Shape American Public Opinion with Respect to Cuba's Civil War
    Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.
  • Publication oof the De Lome Letter

    Publication oof the De Lome Letter
    This letter, written by Spanish Ambassador to the United States, Enrique Dubuy de Lome, Criticized American President William McKinley by calling him weak and concerned only with gaining the favor of the crowd.
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    The United States battleship was blown up in an explosion which killed 260 men on board on February 15th, 1898. People think the ship blew up by a mine, in an explosion which tore its bottom out and sank the whole ship, but no one has ever established exactly what caused the explosion or who was responsible.
  • U.S Declares War on Spain

    U.S Declares War on Spain
    U.S. declares war on Spain it is mainly about how the US is trying to help cuba get their independence from Spain. They also wanted to have Cuba to themselves. Spain blew up one of the Americans ships and the people who wanted war back anymore. They all cried out remember the “Maine”. We took the war to the Philippines we won that war. We took the war to the Caribbean and won that war as well. The rough riders joined in on the fighting. There was a treaty in Paris and Spain lost almost all of it
  • The U.S Attack on Manilla Bay

    The U.S Attack on Manilla Bay
    The Battle of Manila Bay was one of two major American naval victories in the Spanish-American War, both of which were very decisive, and, in hindsight, very one-sided. The Battle of Manila Bay occurred on the morning of May 1, 1898, only days after war had been declared between Spain and the United States. technically no Americans lost their lives in the battle (two American deaths did indirectly occur which may be attributable to the battle), though the lives of many Spaniards were lost.
  • Capture of Puerto Rico

    Capture of Puerto Rico
    When the United States Navy attacked the archipelago's capital, San Juan. Though the damage indlicted on the city was minimal, the Americans were able to establish a blockade in the city's harbor, San Juan Bay
  • Battle for Kettle / San Juan Hill

    Battle for Kettle / San Juan Hill
    On July 1, 1898, United States forces, including Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders, defeated greatly outnumbered Spanish forces at San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill near the Spanish stronghold of Santiago de Cuba.
  • Destruction of the spanish fleet.

    Destruction of the spanish fleet.
    Destruction of the spanish fleet. “Within hours, Dewey’s men had destroyed every Spanish ship there. Dewey’s victory allowed U.S. troops to land in the Philippines.” This is in the book. But it took the entire army from Spain by surprise that their entire fleet was wiped out. They ended up losing the war. They also ended up signing a peace treaty with U.S. and giving up most of their territories.
  • Armistice signed between the U.S. and Spain.

    Armistice signed between the U.S. and Spain.
    Armistice signed between the U.S. and Spain. It is where Spain agrees to a peace treaty on U.S. terms, and the terms are cession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Manila in the philippines to the U.S. as a final peace agreement. this war only lasted for 15 weeks. Spain was no match for the american troops if you ask me. At the peace treaty signing the spanish sold the philippines mountains to the U.S. for $20 million dollars. That is what happened in this event.