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Spanish American War

  • Cuban Rebellion

    Cuban Rebellion
    Cuba rebelled against the Spanish government and were put into concentration camps. This prompted the Cuban War of Independence leading to US involvment. The treatment in the camps was brutal and many people died there.
  • Spain begins Reconcentration

    Spain begins Reconcentration
    The Spanish government sent Cuban Citizens to concentration camps. Any rebels caught were shot, and many people lost their homes, families, and lives.
  • William McKinley Becomes President

    William McKinley Becomes President
    Mckinley was very open to going to war, but tried to keep the peace. After the blowing up of the Maine, he decided on going to war with Spain.
  • Letter about McKinley

    Letter about McKinley
    Enrique Dupuy de Lôme was a prominent government figure in Spain’s control of Cuba at the time of the war. He did not like McKinley, and expressed his dislike through a letter intercepted by Cuban rebels. This letter was released to the American public and caused an uproar amongst the populace.
  • USS Maine explodes

    USS Maine explodes
    While nearing the shore of Cuba the US warship Maine exploded killing many soldiers on board. Many people blamed Spain for the incident, which sparked US involvment in Cuba.
  • Congress Approves War

    Congress Approves War
    The U.S. Congress by a vote of 311 to 6 in the House and 42 to 35 in the Senate approved war with Spain. Recruitment starts for the war.
  • Draft Call

    Draft Call
    125,000 soldiers are drafted for the war.
  • Officially go to War

    Officially go to War
    The US and Spain officially go to war. US troops are sent.
  • Battle at Manila Bay

    Battle at Manila Bay
    U.S. Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish squadron in 6 hours. They were under Admiral Patricio Montojo y Pasarón. We rook over Manila Bay in the Philippines
  • Theodore Roosevelt Leaves to Fight

    Theodore Roosevelt Leaves to Fight
    Theodore Roosevelt leaves his job as Secretary of the Navy to join the fight as a Colonel. He established his own group of soldires called the "Rough Riders", the toughest group of men in the war.
  • Battle of Las Guásimas

    Battle of Las Guásimas
    U.S. troops lead by General Joseph Wheeler defeated Spanish forces in Las Guásimas.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    This was the decisive battle of the Spanish American War. It included the Battle at Kettle Hill and Battle at San Juan Hill. The US and Cuba won this battle, It featured prominantly the Rough Riders and Negro soldiers for the US and wiped out many Spanish troops
  • Treaty of Paris is Signed

    Treaty of Paris is Signed
    The Treaty of Paris was signed, giving the US Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines for $20 million. This treaty ended the war and forced Spain to leave Cuba.
  • Spain Leaves Cuba

    Spain Leaves Cuba
    It took Spain a while to completely leave Cuba. The Spanish government and troops were removed from government in Cuba but had a while to move out.
  • Treaty of Paris is Approved

    Treaty of Paris is Approved
    Both the Spanish leaders and the US government approves the Treaty of Paris, and the US gains Cuba and countries in the area