Republica española 2

Spanish 2nd Republic

  • End of the monarchy, start of the Republic

    King Alfonso XIII left the country and the Republic born in April 14th 1931
  • Period: to

    Left-wing goverment

    The left wing paties led the country.
  • Creation of the Constitution

    Creation of the Constitution
    -The first action of the provisional government was to call for general elections in June 1931. The elected representatives should work on a new republican Constitution.
    -New rights and rules: freedom of speech and association, the separation of Church and State, universal suffrage to women and the right to divorce.
    -Spanish regions had the right to Autonomy for the first time in history. Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia exercised this right.
  • Women's right to vote

    Women's right to vote
    There were three women in the Parliament. During the discussion to extend their right to active suffrage, the Radical Socialist Victoria Kent confronted the Radical Clara Campoamor. Kent argued that Spanish women were not yet prepared to vote because they were too influenced by the Catholic Church. Campoamor however defended women's rights regardless of their opinions. Finally, in the election of 1933, all citizens of either sex over 23 had the right to vote.
  • Casas Viejas incident

    Casas Viejas incident
    Thirteen anarchists fired at the police in the small village of Casas Viejas (Cádiz). The government’s order was “neither prisoners nor wounded." The police killed all the anarchists, and the extreme left turned them into martyrs.
    The reason was thet the goverment was taking the lands from the landowners and give to the peasants, bur the process was to slow, so the anarchists decided to do it by themselves.
  • Right wing parties won the elections

    Right wing parties won the elections
    Because of the the right for women to vote, the right wing parties(conservative) won the elections in November 1933
  • Period: to

    Conservative goverment

    After the right wing parties won the elections, they formed a new government This government tried to eliminate all the reforms started in the previous period.
  • General revolution

    In October 1934 there was a general revolution organised by anarchists and socialists. It was specially important in Catalonia, where they started an autonomist rebellion, and in Asturias, where the miners controlled the region for two weeks.
    But finally the government sent the Army under Francisco Franco from Morocco to Asturias. The rebellion was eliminated and a big repression against miners and political leaders was taken.
  • New elections

    On January 7th, 1936, new elections were called. ocialists, Communists,Catalan and Madrid-based left-wing parties decided to work together underthe name Frente Popular. The answer of the right-wing parties was to join theFrente Nacional (coalition of CEDA, Carlists and Monarchists). At the end the Frente Popular won the elections.
  • José Castillo murder

    The Lieutenant José Castillo, Guardia de Asalto and member of theUnión Militar Republicana Antifascista, was killed by Falangists., who were fascists people in Spain.
  • José Calvo Sotelo muder

    José Calvo Sotelo, Leader of the right-wing opposition, was killed byCastillo’s comrades.
  • Morocco problems

    An army uprising began in Morocco. Itbegan as a pronunciamiento, but it resulted in the outbreak of a civil war.