Spainsh-American War

  • U.S. tries to buy Cuba

    U.S. tries to buy Cuba
    Diplomats recomend to President Franklin Pierce to buy Cuba from Spain wich lies only 90 miles away from Florida. The Spanish responded and said that would rather see Cuba sink in the ocean.
  • Period: to

    Spanish-American War

    "We can no longer afford to disregard international rivalries now that we ourselves have become a competitor in the world-wide struggle for trade."
    - U.S. State Department memorandum,
  • 10 Years' War

    10 Years' War
    Cubans fight for the freedom of slaves. America thinks that slavary is moraly wrong but the goverment doesn't help the Cubans. Spanish ends it by granting them freedom for the slaves. After this the Americans invest millions of dollars in sugar cane plantations in Cuba.
  • More War in Cuba

    More War in Cuba
    Jose Marti started a Cuban resistance against Spain. He destroyed American sugar plantations. Hoping the Americans would come help them to fight against the oppression from the Spain nd help them gain freedom. Also America could relate from being under the oppresion of England.
  • General Valeriano Weyler

    General Valeriano Weyler
    Spain reacted to the Cuba's fight for independence by sending General Valeriano Weyler. He rounded up the civilians into concentration camps so they could not help the rebels and also could know who to go after. This killed about 300,000 civilians in the camps from disease and starvation.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst take advantage of the war in Cuba by writing exaggerated stories. They printed stories about poisoned wells, starving women and children, children thrown to sharks . They helped the American people want to fight for the Cubans by making the Spanish look cruel and inhumane.
  • The De Lome Letter

    The De Lome Letter
    Enrique Dupuy de Lome wrote a letter which was stolen by a Cuban rebel and leaked it. De Lome wrote in the letter about President McKinley calling him weak and did things only to be liked by the people. He resigned and the Spanish goverment apologized but America was very insulted by this.
  • U.S.S Maine Explodes

    U.S.S Maine Explodes
    President McKinley sent the U.S.S Maine to Havana to protect American citizens and to protect American property. On the 15th the ship blew up in the habor and more than 260 men died. many blamed the Spanish to have blown up the U.S.S Maine and Hearst paper offered a $50,000 reward for the capture of the Spaniards who did it.
  • Battle of Manila

    Battle of Manila
    George Dewey attacked the Spanish fleet. The American fleet surprised the Spanish because the Spanish thought America would attack in Cuba insted of the Philippines. Then Dewey's fleet destroyed every Spanish ship there. The victory helped American troops land and with the help of the Filipinos beat the Spanish troops.
  • Capture of Guam

    Capture of Guam
    America sends the U.S.S Charleston to Guam which was under Spanish control. The Spanish had not been told that war had broken out between America and Spain. Spain surrendered Guam because they had no defence to fight. Then America took over without any blood shed between them. And this was the only conflict in Guam.
  • San Juan Hill

    San Juan Hill
    This battle was a very important in Spanish-American War. The Rough Riders and two Africa-American regiments, and Ninth and Tenth Cavalries charged up near by Kettle Hill. This battle was very bloody and one of the most famouse battle of the Spanish-American War. Roosevelt and the Rough Riders received most of the glory for the victory and his courge to lead them up the hill.
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba

    Battle of Santiago de Cuba
    This battle was the largest naval engagement between the Spanish and Americans. The Spanish tried to escape the harbor but was met by the American fleet which was blocking them in. The Spanish had troubles when trying to break the blockade The American fleet destroyed the Spanish fleet. The U.S.S Iowa was in this battle
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The United States and Spain met in Paris to agree on a treaty. Spain freed Cuba, and gave Guam and Puerto Rico to the Undited States. Spain sold the Philippines to America for $20 million. The Treaty of Paris cuased a lot of debate over what the U.S could do with the Philippines because America was against imperialism so Mckinley said they would just educate and Christianize them.
  • Foraker Act

    Foraker Act
    The Foraker Act helped end military rule over Puerto Rico and turn it over to a civil government. It gave them a governor and a council and a House of Representatives also with a judicial system. Also all laws in America came into effect. Charles Allen became the first governor inaugurated on May 1, 1900 in San Juan.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The Platt Amendment replaced the Teller Amendment. The Platt Amendment stated that Cuba could not make treaties that could limt their freedom or have other countries take control. This gave the United States the rights to intervene. Cuba could not go into debt. Also the U.S could buy and lease land for naval bases and refueling stations.