Spain. The crisis of the old regime

  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles IV

  • War with France

    War with France
    War was declared with france after the execution of Louis XVI
  • Peace of Basel

    Peace of Basel
    The French invaded the Baque Country and Navarra which forced Godoy to sign the Peace of Basel.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    The treaty contained an agreement to invade and divide up Portugal, which did not accept the economic embargo against United Kingdom decreed by Napoleon. With this pretext, French troops entered in Spain.
  • Mutiny of Aranjuez

    Mutiny of Aranjuez
    The occupation of strategically important points of the peninsula made clear that the intention of France was also to invade Spain. This fact made the mutiny of Aranjuez, a popular revolt against Godoy´s policies instigated by Ferdinand VII. As consequence Charles IV demoted Godoy and abdicated the throne in favour of his son Ferdinand.
  • Uprising of the people of Madrid

    Uprising of the people of Madrid
  • Reign of Joseph I Bonaparte

    Reign of Joseph I Bonaparte
  • Period: to

    Reign of Joseph Bonaparte

  • War of Independence

    War of Independence
    -The supreme central junta assumes power
    -The SCJ summoned the cortes of Cadiz -Laws aproved by the Cortes
    -Constitution of 1812
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    Napoleon drew Charles IV and Ferdinand VII to Bayonne. He got them to abdicate to him and he yielded the Spanish throne to his broter Joseph Bonaparte
  • Implementation of Bayonne Statue

    Implementation of Bayonne Statue
  • Treaty of Valençay

    Treaty of Valençay
  • Period: to

    Reign of Ferdinand VII

  • Period: to

    The absolutist Sexennium

    Ferdinand VII abolished the constitution of 1812, thus anulling the work of the Cortes of Cádiz, and persecuted the liberals. Some were exiled and others tried to attain power through uprisings or military coups d´état.
  • Period: to

    Liberal Triennium

    In 1820, the uprising led by commander Rafael de Riego at Las Cabezas de San Juan (Seville) prevailed. Ferdindand VII swore allegiance to the Constitution of Cádiz and accepted liberals´ reestablishment of the work of The Cortes of Cádiz, such as the supression of the manors, the elimination of the Inquisition, etc.
  • Invasion of the "One Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis"

    Invasion of the "One Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis"
    Meanwhile Ferdinand VII obtained the aid of the absolutist powers of the Holy Alliance. The French army "Ond Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis" invaded Spain and allowed the king to restore absolutism
  • Period: to

    The Ominous Decade

    This perriod began with the repression of the liberals. The situation changed when Ferdinand VII repealed de Sadic Law that prevented women from inheriting the throne. Don Carlos, his brother, did not accepted it and recieved the support the support of the absolutist, which forced Maria Christina, wife of Ferdinand VII, to rely on Liberals
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabella II

  • Period: to

    Regency Stage

    Upon the death of Ferdinand VII, his daughter Isabella II, just three years old, acceded to the throne. While she was minor, regency was given to his mother Maria Christina (1833-1840) and General Espartero (1840-1843)
  • Period: to

    1º Carlist war

    In this period, the sucession problem unleashed a civil war which pitted the absolutist who defended Carlos against the liberals who favoured Isabella. The conflict ended with the Victory of Isabella And the convention of Vergara
  • Convention of Vergara

    Convention of Vergara
  • Period: to

    The Moderate Decade

  • Constitution of 1845

    Constitution of 1845
  • Period: to

    2º Carlist War

  • Period: to

    The Progressive Biennium

  • Constitution of 1856

    Constitution of 1856
    It was written but not published.
  • Period: to

    Alternation of Power

  • Pact of Ostend

    Pact of Ostend
    The Democrats, the Republicans, the Progressives and the Liberal Union signed the pact of Ostend to overthrow the queen and to summon constituens Cortes by universal male suffrage
  • Exile of Isabella II

    Exile of Isabella II
  • Period: to

    The glorious revolution

  • Period: to

    Provisional government

    It promulgated the constitution of 1869. It recognised freedom of expression, freedom of the press the right to meet and to associate, national soverignity, separation of power and for the first time in Spanish history, universal suffrage of men.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Adameo of Savoy

    The democratic monarchy fell to the italian Amadeo of Savoy by government appointment. He faced political opposition of the Republicans, those who supported the bourbons, and several military insurrections. Amadeo abdicated in 1873 and the First Republic was proclaimed.
  • Period: to

    First Republic

    It was a period of considerable political inestability. The republicans were divided between unionists and federalists. In addition a new Carlist war, the war in Cuba and the insurrection of certains municipalities like Cartagena that proclaimed independent cantons or republics caused several government crises. This situation favoured the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.
  • Restoration of Bourbon monarchy

    Restoration of Bourbon monarchy