Spain Historical timeline

  • 1100 BCE

    The Phoenicians

    The Phoenicians
    The first developed group of people which arrived in Spain were the Phoenicians. They established their capital in Cadiz.
  • 600 BCE

    The Greeks

    The Greeks
    They founded the Emporion City.
    They brought to Spain the idea of trade, industry, agriculture, theatre, poetry and philosophy.
  • 218 BCE

    The Romans

    The Romans
    Cneo Escipión started the conquest.
    They took 200 years to conquer the Peninsula.
  • 410

    The Visigoths

    The Visigoths
    They took the Romans´ culture, but in a more religious way.
    They showed it in their decorative art.
  • 711


    They conquered almost all the Peninsula, calling it Al-Andalus.
    The Christians reconquered their territories except Granada.
  • 1492

    The Key Year

    The Key Year
    The Christians finally conquered Granada.
    Spain was totally catholical.
    Led by Cristobal Colon they arrived in America and get their natural resources.
  • 1500

    The Gold Century.

    The Gold Century.
    In this period Spain experimented the gratest splendour in art.
    The most important types were: poetry, theatre and novels.
    Some important artists were Luis de Góngora, Diego Velázquez, Miguel de Cervantes...
  • The First Constitution

    The First Constitution
    The constitution gathers the human rights and duties.
    But It has been changed a lot of times and the last one was in 1978.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    It was a political and social conflict and was the consequence of the attempted coup.