Age of exploration

  • 1492

    1492: Christopher Columbus' First Voyage

    1492: Christopher Columbus' First Voyage
    Ordered by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, Christopher Columbus sails westward across the Atlantic Ocean, hoping to reach Asia. Instead, he discovers the islands of the Caribbean, which is considered the first European encounter with the Americas.
  • Period: 1492 to 1533


  • 1513

    1513: Juan Ponce de León’s Discovery of Florida

    1513: Juan Ponce de León’s Discovery of Florida
    Juan Ponce de León, a Spanish explorer, lands on the east coast of which is now, present-day Florida, becoming the first European to explore the region. He names it "La Florida" which means the (land of flowers).
  • 1521

    1521: Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire

    1521: Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire
    Led by Hernán Cortés, Spanish conquistadors defeat the Aztec Empire in which is now, modern-day Mexico. Cortés captures the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, and claims the region for Spain.
  • 1524

    1524: Giovanni da Verrazzano’s Exploration of North America

    1524: Giovanni da Verrazzano’s Exploration of North America
    Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian navigator sailing under the French flag, explores the eastern coast of North America, from present-day North Carolina to Newfoundland.
  • Period: 1524 to


  • 1533

    1533: Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire

    1533: Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire
    Francisco Pizarro and his forces conquer the Inca Empire in which is now present-day Peru. The Inca Emperor Atahualpa is captured and executed, leading to the fall of one of the largest and wealthiest civilizations in the Americas.