
By mya25
  • Launch of Sputnik 1

    The launch of Sputnik 1 caused the US to launch its
    own satelites and begin space exploration in its best.
    It also marked the begining of the competition between
    the US and the USSR to have control over space.
  • USSR launches Sputnik 2which carried a small dognamed Laika into orbit.

    In the early days of rocket science, no one knew the
    effects of wieghtlessness would be. Animals--mainly
    dogs, monkeys and chimps were used to test the safety
    and feasibility of luanching a living being into space
    and bringing it back unharmed.1957 11/3/1957
  • NASA is born and replaces theNACA.

    NASA advanced quicker on building the right tech to make
    a ship that can travel to the moon.
  • Alan B. Shepard was the first american man in space.

    Alan travled to space in Freedom 7. Ten years later he left to be the 5th man to walk on the moon and the 1st to play golf on it.
  • President J.F.K addresses Congress and challenges the nation to go to the moon beforethe end of the decade.

    This decision involed much consideration before making it
    public, as well as emormous human effort and expenditures
    to make what became Project Apollo a reality by 1969.
    NASA's overall human spaceflight efforts were guided by
    Kennedy's speech; Project Mercury (at least in its later
    stages), Gemini, and Apolo were designed to excute
    Kennedy's goal.
  • Frank Borman anf Jim Lovellbegin a two week stay in Earthorbit aboard Gemini 7.

    Gemini 7 was the forth crewed Earth-oriting spacecraft of
    the Gemini series, having been launched before Gemini 6A.
    It carried astronauts Frank Borman and Jim Lovell on the
    14 day mission. Its mission objectives were: Demostrate
    a 2 week flight, perform stationkeeping with the Gemini
    launch vechile, ect.
  • Lunar 10 becomes the 1stsatellite to orbit the Moon.

    Lunar 10 was the 1st manmade object to orbit the moon.
    The primary objectives were to achieve the 1st lunar orbit,
    gain experience in orbital operations, presumably as a
    precursor to astronaut orbital missions and study the lunar
  • Lunar Orbiter 1 enters orbitaround the Moon and takes1st picture of the Earth froma distance.

    Lunar Orbiter 1 was sent from Earth to get pictures of
    smooth lunar surface. Lunar got pictures of the Earth
    from the Moon's perspective. Since then scienctist
    know what the Earth really looked like.
  • Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffe are killed whena fire ignites in their Apolo 1capsule a test on the launchpad.

    The three astronauts's deaths were important because
    it slowed down the research of the space program. Also
    know they knew that the Apolo 1 design wasn't safe.
  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the firsr men to walk on the moon.

    Basicly it was one small step for man; one giant leap for