viking 1
Viking 1 was a non-manned mission. The 7th anniversary of the apollo 11 is the day that this spacecraft landed on mars. It was also the first to land on mars. This probe was created by the US. -
Sputnik 1
sputnik 1 was an unmanned mission. It was the first artificial Earth satellite. One of the political purposes of Sputnik was to show that the Soviet Union could strike with nuclear weapons anywhere in the world. Ihe Soviet Union got a space craft in space before Americans. -
explorer 1
Explorer 1 was an unmanned mission. It was the first US artificial satellite. Explorer 1 was the first spacecraft successfully launched by the U.S. The US was cathching up in the space race by this time. -
Mercury Freedom 7
This was a manned mission for the US. Astronaut Alan Shepard rode on a 15-minute suborbital flight with mercury freedom 7. The scientific objective of Mercury was to "determine man's capabilities in a space environment and in those environments to which he will be subject upon going into and returning from space." - http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/history/mercury/mr-3/mr-3.htm -
gemini 3
Gemini 3 was a manned mission. It was the first manned mission in NASA's Gemini program. It was the second manned space program. Its goal was to test the new Gemini spacecraft. The lessons they learned could be used on the Apollo missions. -
apollo 11
apollo 11 was a manned mission. it was the mission that landed the first humans on the Moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Armstrong became the first to step onto the moon on July 21. They traveled to the moon and arrived in lunar orbit on July 19. this was an american mission. -
voyager 1
voyager 1 was an unmanned mission. At a distance of about 127.22 AU from the Earth as of May 7th 2014, it is the farthest human-made object from Earth. The mission ended on November 20, 1980, after encounters with the Jovian system in 1979 and the Saturnian system in 1980. -
Columbia Space Shuttle (first launch)
The Columbia Space Shuttle was a manned mission. It was the first shuttle to reach space. It crried dozens of astronauts into space for 2 decades. Columbia also underwent upgrades as technology advanced. -
Mars Pathfinder
The mars pathfinder was an unmanned mission. It was an american spacecraft that landed at a base on mars in 1996. It came with Carl Sagan Memorial Station, and a lightweight wheeled robotic mars rover. It was Launched on December 4, 1996 by NASA. -
International Space Station (ISS)
(only knew year) the internation space station was a manned mission. its first part was launched in 1998. It is the largest artificial body in orbit. It can be seen with the naked eye from Earth at a certain time. -
Spirit and Opportunity
spirit and opportunity were an unmanned mission. It started in 2003 when the 2 rovers were sent to mars to explore its surface. Its purpose was to search for and characterize rocks and soil. These things held clues to the old water activity on mars. -
curiosity was an unmanned mission. It was a rover about the size of a car whose purpose was to explore the gale crater on mars. curiosity was launched on november 26, 2011. It was aboard the MSL spacecraft and lded on Aeolis Palus in Gale Crater on Mars.