Period: to
the great space race
sputnic 1
first craft to orbit the earth
russia created this
sputnic was in earths atmosphere -
sputnik 2
first animal in space carrying dog laika (german shepard) for 7 days in orbit.
launched by russia -
Explorer 1
the first U.S. craft to orbit the earth
discovered earths radiation belt -
N.A.S.A. founded
NASA is founded taking over the national advisory commitee on aeronautics -
luna 1
first man made sattelite to orbit the moon
russia created luna 1 -
pioneer 4
the first craft to go into solar orbit or orbit the sun
made by U.S. -
luna 2
luna 2 landed on the surface of the moon september 13 barring the soviet coat of arms
this was the first man made object to hit the moons surface
the russians created luna 2 -
Tiros 1
first succesful wheather satelite
launched by U.S.
launched in the earths atmosphere -
vostok 1
first man in space and orbits the earth once
launched by russia -
U.S. mariner 2
first succesful planetary spacecraft
flied past venus and fell into solar orbit
launched by U.S.
flew to venus and the sun -
vostok 6
first woman in space orbited earth 48 time
launched by russia -
voskhod 2
first space walk 12 min
launched by russia -
gemini 4
edward white ll makes first U.S. space walk
launched by U.S. -
mariner 4
first close range photos of mars
launched by the U.S. -
ranger 7
first close range photos of the moon
launched by the U.S. -
venus 3
first craft to impact on venus march 1 1966 landed
russia launched -
apollo 11
Neil Armstrong and edward Aldrin jr. were on the first manned soft land on the moon and the first moon walk
the U.S. launched -
Period: to
later days of space exploration
skylab workshop
launched by U.S. maintained by 3 crews
may 25th 1973
skylab 2 is launched rapairing akylabs incuured damage during launch. -
pioneer 11
Reaches Saturn flying within 13,000 miles and getting first close up photos of saturn
launched by U.S. -
challenger mission sts-7
sally K. Ride was the first U.S. woman to travel in space.
Launched by the U.S.