space timeline

  • the soviet union launches sputnik

    the soviet union launches sputnik
    the soviet union successfully launches sputnik which was the worlds first satellite
  • luna 3 launches

    luna 3 was launched as part of the program. it was the first ever mission to capture the far side of the moon.
  • friendship 7

    friendship 7
    friendship 7-project mercury carries john H. glen, jr. and orbits the earth 3 times
  • venera 3

    the soviet venera 3 crashes on venus
  • apollo 8

    apollo 8
    apollo 8 was the first apollo to use saturn v rocket. frank borman, james a. lovell, and william a. anders orbited the moon 10 times and returned safely
  • skylab

    the skylab launched which was the first space station
  • apollo 18

    apollo 18
    apollo 18 and soyuz 19 doc and become the first international space craft rendezvous in spACE

    STS-CHALLENGER mission launches with the first american women in space- Sally K. Ride
  • orbiter breaks

    orbiter breaks
    the tenth mission orbiter breaks apart 75 seconds into launch killing all 7
  • discovery 10

    discovery 10 launches into orbit
  • zarya launches

    zarya launches
    the first module of the iss lauches- zarya
  • man pays 20 million dollars to be a tourist

    a man payed 20 million dollars to be the first tourist on the iss. the russian space agency transported him to and from the iss
  • spirit rover

    spirit rover
    the spirit rover landed on mars
  • landing on titan

    the huygens landed on saturns moon titan
  • keplar space craft

    the keplar space craft launched by the us with a mission to detect planets outside our solar system, as of 2015 over 1000 planets have been detected