Space timeline

By 23016
  • Feb 19, 1543

    The Solar in the Centre

    He found out the the sun was in the center of the soloar system, and the earth rotates around the sun. He also made the model of the solar system, with the sun in the middle.
  • The first telescope

    The first telescope
    The man who invented the first telescope was called Hans Lippershey. A year later Galieo was using the telescope, finding out that the earth rotates around the sun.
  • Earth's artificial satellite

    The sputnik 1 was Earth's artificial satellite.
  • First Animal in Space

    The dog's name was Laika. Unfourtantely it was also the first animal, to die in space.
  • First human into space

    Yuri Gagarin was the first man to go to space. He was in space for 1 hour and 48 minutes. His space craft was called Vostok 1.
  • The first woman in space

    Valentia Tereshkova was the first woman to go to space, with the space craft called Vostok 6.
  • The first man on the moon

    Neil armstrong landed on the moon first.
  • Apollo 11

    The very first space craft to land on the moon. Apollo 11 carried Neil Armstrong and Buzz Adrin to the moon, with Michael Collins who was the commnader piloted of the space craft, unfourtnetly he never got to walk on the moon.
  • First man to walk on the moon

    Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon with his partner Buzz Adrin. And he had to wait six hours to walk on the moon, thats as long as a school day. At 2:56am.
  • The first two women to command a space craft

    The first two women to command a space craft
    Eileen Collins and Pamela Molory were the only two women, to ever command a space ship. To get good experience they trained for 1,000 hours. Piloting a jet craft.