First telescope
The first telescope was made by Galileo Galilei. -
Period: to
First US rocket to reach the edge of space
The first US rocket to reach the edge of space was launched -
First nuclear powerplant
President Eisenhower had set up the country's first full-scale nuclear powerplant. -
First man made object to orbit the earth
The first man made object was launched by the U.S.S.R and remained in orbit until January 4th 1958. -
First dog in space
The first dog was launched into space, it was also launched by the U.S.S.R. It remained in orbit until April 13th 1958 -
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First US satilite in orbit
The first US satilite to be put into orbit was launched, and it had discovered earth's radiation belt -
First manmade object to hit the moon
The soviets had sent Luna 12 which had made inpact a day later and noted as the first manmade object to ever make contact with the moon -
First spacecraft to reach venus
The soviets had launched Soviet Venus 3 which had become the first object to make contact with venus -
First object to orbit the moon
Soviet luna 10 was the first object to ever orbit the full moon -
First man on the moon
Apollo 11 was safley landed on the moon where Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin had become the first men to walk on the moon -
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First spacecraft beyond the orbit of Neptune
The first spacecraft to pass the orbit of Neptune. Launched by the US -
First women in space
Sally K. Ride was the first US women to travel through space on Challenger mission STS-7 -
First operational rover on another planet
The US has the first operational rover to be on another planet. (mars) -
Launch of the double probe Cassini/Huygens
The double probe had been launched aiming at Saturn. It is the most complex unmanned planetary object ever attemped. It cost more that $2.5 billion and took 17 nations, and hundreds of scientists from Euerope and America. It was able to send pictures of Saturn's rings and its 18 moons. -
Water found on the moon
NASA's LCROSS found water in a cold permently dark crater at the south pole of the moon