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Space shuttle

  • STS-79

    STS-79 Crew was Commander William F. Readdy, Pilot Terrence W. Wilcutt, Mission Specialists Thomas D. Akers, John E. Blaha, and Jay Apt and Carl E. Walz.Countdown proceeded smoothly to ontime liftoff Sept. 16. Approximately 13 minutes into flight, power the number 2 solid launcher powerd off . After review and analysis, the Mission Management Team concluded mission could proceed to nominal end-of-mission as planned.The launch was resceduled and launched as a sucsess and came splaching down.
  • Endeavour

    It tookoff on November 30th 2000 and the crew members were Brent Jett, Michael Bloomfield, Joseph Tanner, Marc Garneau and Carlos Noriega.On their 11-day mission, the astronauts completed three spacewalks, or EVAs, to deliver and connect the first set of U.S.-provided solar arrays to the International Space Station, prepare a docking port for arrival of the U.S. Laboratory Destiny, install Floating Potential Probes to measure electrical potential surrounding the station,
  • Columbia

    Onboard was Kalpana Chawla, Rick D., Michael P. Anderson, Laurel B. Clark, Ilan Ramon, David M. Brown, and William C. McCool. They crashed on the way back down to Earth February 1st 2003. How scientists think it crashed was a piece of the insulation used to shield one of the shuttle’s external tanks broke of during the launch. This piece at the high velocities Columbia was traveling at, struck the leading edge of the left wing damaging the themal protection system that helps to protect it.
  • STS-121

    They were supposed to launch it on July 1st or 2nd but due to weather concerns they launched it on July, 4th at 2:38. Stephanie D. Wilson, Micheal E. Fossum, Steven W. Lindsey, Piers J. Sellers, Mark E. Kelly, Thomas Reiter, and Lisa M. Nowak, were all on STS-21