Launch of Sputnik 1/Soviet Union
This event is important because, it started the space
race. When it launched the United States knew we had
to launch a space aircraft in case the Soviet Union
was trying to spy on the United States. -
Launch of Sputnik 2/Soviet Union
This is important because, the launch proved living things can survive in space to further space exploration. The Soviet Union sent a small dog named Laika in Sputnik 2. -
Explorer 1 is Launched/America
The United States launches Explorer 1 and discovers the Van Allen radiation belt. The first American satellite to reach orbit. The U.S finding this gave greater knowledge to Americans everywhere. -
First Man Made Object to Orbit the Sun./Soviet Union
Luna 1' s orbit is important because, it was the first man made object to orbit the sun. This orbit showed man made things can survive orbiting the sun. -
Soviet Union Photographs the Moon
Luna 3 photographing 70% of the moon's surface is important because, the pictures gave us more understanding of how to land on the moon. -
President Kennedy is Assassinated
The JFK assassination is important to the Space Race because, he was making the decisions for what the United States would do next in the Space Race. -
Mariner 4 Returns Close Range Photos of Mars/America
The images Mariner 4 got of Mars is important because with the pictures we can gather more information about that planet and planets similar to Mars. -
Luna 9 Becomes the First Spacecraft to Land on the Moon./Soviet Union
Luna 9 soft landing brought more information to the Soviet Union and encouraged the United States to work harder on space exploration. -
Verna 4 Transmits Data About the Atmosphere of Venus./Soviet Union
The information the Soviet's got from Venera 4 about the atmosphere of Venus further educated people about other planets and different atmospheres. -
First Man To Walk on the Moon./America
Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are the first people to walk on the moon. Michael Collins orbited around the alone during the space walk. This is important because, no one had ever walked on the moon before and becauseknowing humans can walk on the moon we can gatherdifferent materials from the moon and learn more aboutthe moon and our planet.