Sputnik 1 launched. First man-made object in orbit.
Explorer 1 launched. First American satellite in orbit.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is founded.
Vostok 1 launched. Yuri Gagarin becomes first man in space.
Mercury Freedom 7 is launched with the first American in orbit. John Glenn Jr.
Vostok 6 safely carries Valentia Tereshkov to become the first woman in space.
US Ranger 7 relays a series of close-range photos of the moon. showing it was possible to land on the Moon.
Gemini 7 launched Frank Borman, James A. Lovell Jr. into orbit. Made 206 successful orbits around Earth.
Soviet Soyuz 1 crashes, killing Vladimir Komarov. First Space Race fatality.
Soviet Zond 5. First spacecraft to orbit moon and return.
Apollo 8. first staffed spacecraft to orbit moon. Made 10 orbits on 6-day mission.
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr. made first staffed soft landing on moon. they used th Apollo 11 spacecraft.