Launch of Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1 Launch-The machine spured the US to launch its own satellite.
-This began competion between US and Soviet Union
to have damanance in space. -
Launch of Explor 1
Explor 1 Launched-First American satellite to reach orbit. The Soviet Union had already done this, so we had to try too. -
Luna 2 impacts moon
Luna 2 impacts moon-It was the first man made object to touch the moon.
-It crashed though. -
Yuri Gagarin obits the earth once
Yuri Gagarin obits the earth once-This gave us Americans hope that we might win this cold war. He was the first man to go into space who worked for NASA. -
John Glenn obits the earth 3 times
John Glenn obits the earth 3 times-This gave us Americans hope that we might win this cold
war -
Cosmonaut Valentina becomes the first woman inspace
Cosmonaut Valentina becomes the first woman inspace-The first woman in space is a big deal. Not all woman were treated equal, and to have a woman
not a man was unlike what people would think. -
Ranger 7 transmits the first close up range images of the moon
Ranger 7 transmits the first close up range images of the moon-Everyone has always wondered what the moon looked
like up close. There have been legends and religiouse
ideas. And then they finally have pictures. So this was a big deal. -
Luna 9 becomes the first space craft to soft-land on themoon
Luna 9 becomes the first space craft to soft-land on themoon-This machine was the first spacecraft to make a soft landing on any planetary body other than the Earth. -
Lunor Obiter 1 enters obit around the moon and takes thef irst picture of Earth from a distance
Lunor Obiter 1 enters obit around the moon and takes the first picture of Earth from a distance-They went to the moon but ended up seeing the earth from a distance.
-The pictures they took facinated us. -
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin land on the moon
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin land on the moon-We were the first to land on the moon.
-We were the first to put a human being into to space
and land on another planet saftly.
-We won the cold war.